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    Voc abulaire

           à gogo* !

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*vocabulary in aboundance,

not the vocabulary of your grandma ;)

Les expressions du jour

French is a very colourful language. French people use expressions in everyday life. We therefore share with you, each week, another one of these expressions to put you in the shoes of a true French speaker.

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Doodle challenge

Since we are all staying at home, why not get creative? Doodle your favourite French word, post it on Instagram and tag us @AFpotch !
Many of you have already participated in the challenge! Go take a look at our doodle gallery!

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Les mots du jour

Why not learn French in the fun way?
Every week we suggest a new word to enrich your French lexicon.

Click on the picture :

Capture d’écran 2020-05-21 à 13.48.26.

Vous reprendrez une petite citation ?

*Would you like a quote ?

Find some inspiration in our quotes

"The quote, well understood, is a reference. Far from dispensing the reader from inquiring about the context from which it is taken, it assumes that he or she possesses it " Les médisances de Claude Perrin , Pierre Baillargeon

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